Year-round surveys of selected species of fauna and flora. We provide entomological surveys of all species of insects, surveys of mammals ranging from small terrestrial mammals to large beast of prey, including bats, as well as surveys of amphibians and reptiles, molluscs, and fish. Flora surveys focusing on habitat inventory, but also common surveys of occurring species or with emphasis on protected and otherwise important plant species.
Elaboration of migration studies for various needs (linear road constructions, railways, etc.), including the necessary year-round surveys of animal migration in the given area. Migration studies are prepared within the valid technical conditions, alternatively other international standards, and good international practice in this area.
| Adequate assessment of the impact of the intention and strategic documents on the Natura 2000 system |
We process impact assessments of intentions or strategic documents according to the Methodology for assessing the significance of the impacts of plans and projects on the territories of the system Natura 2000 in the Slovak Republic (ŠOP SR, 2014, update 2016). For the processing of evaluations, we also carry out the necessary surveys of the species concerned, more precisely the objects of protection.
| Intentions, Assessment Reports, Change Notifications and EIA Reviews |
According to Act no. 24/2006 Coll. on Environmental Impact Assessment and on Amendments to Certain Acts, we ensure the processing of all types of documentation by professionally qualified persons in accordance with the legislation. We are also able to provide the necessary surveys or expert studies necessary for the EIA process, such as noise studies, dispersion studies, population health impact assessments, hydrogeological assessments, etc..
| Nature protection documents |
We also provide processing of nature protection documents according to Act no. 543/2002 Coll. on nature and landscape protection. The documents are processed by professionally qualified persons in accordance with the valid legislation, as well as they are discussed with the relevant state institutions. As part of the processing after identifying the need for surveys, we also ensure their implementation to the necessary extent.
| Environmental monitoring projects and their implementation |
We provide elaboration of monitoring projects of selected components of the environment in the sense of post-project analysis resulting from the EIA process (§39 of Act No. 24/2006 Coll. On Environmental Impact Assessment and on Amendments to Certain Acts). After the elaboration of monitoring projects, we also ensure their implementation in practice, that is before construction, during construction and after putting the activity into operation in full by the given monitoring project.
| Adaptation strategies of towns and municipalities in relation to climate change |
We also provide services in the field of flood protection solutions and related warning systems during torrential rains, air quality protection and its continuous monitoring, as well as a system of possible air quality management. Also, a system of maintenance and construction of "green" areas in the city and their constant monitoring. Last but not least, proposals for tailor - made measures to mitigate the effects of climate change (green roofs, solar panels, etc.)
Processing of forensic-expert opinion for the needs of criminal proceedings, as well as other processes requiring this form of assessment. Forensic-expert opinions in the field of environmental protection, industry estimation of environmental damage and industry nature and landscape protection.