HP is a comprehensive software solution for securing documents and communications in an organization from a cybersecurity perspective that uses cryptographic means to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of documents or communications.
Hidden privacy is designed for secure encrypted communication and secure sharing of encrypted documents between authorized users.
Declaration of Conformity
Komplexní softwarové řešení Hidden Privacy je plně ve shodě s národní a evropskou legislativou a navazuje na strategické dokumenty státu.
GPDR - Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2016/679
Zákon o kybernetické bezpečnosti - Zákon č. 181/2014 Sb.
Vyhláška o kybernetické bezpečnosti - Vyhláška č. 82/2018 Sb.
Normy - standard RSA pro asymetrické šifrování, standardy PKCS (Public-Key Cryptographic Standards), šifra AES
ISO 27001 - ISO/IEC 27001
Národní strategie kybernetické bezpečnosti České republiky na období let 2015 až 2020
Vládní koncepce boje s korupcí
Oznamovací kanál pro whistleblowery - o Členské státy EU mají nyní na sladění směrnice s národními právními systémy dva roky, čas mají do 17. prosince 2021.
Application functions
Ensuring secure communication between users of the system using an asymmetric cipher so that it is not necessary to exchange passwords between individual users for each case. Secure (encrypted) communication enabling the exchange of messages and sensitive documents, typically, for example, the intentions of an organization's management before they are intended for publication or documents containing personal data.
The key functions are as follows:
The Secret - all communication is decrypted only on the client, via the Internet and even on the server no private key operations take place.
Confidentiality - Neither the owner or the operator of the server has the ability to read the content, even in the event of a forced release of the content or a compromise of the server.
Data protection – co z klientské stanice odchází, to je již zabezpečeno šifrováním - what leaves the client station is already secured by encryption.
Security - secure, encrypted, and confidential communication between users.
Request to try Hidden Privacy
If you are interested in trying out the application, please contact us at the email address info@magnitudo.eu